Thursday, September 29, 2011

Shout Out to the Taco Salad

There are some meals that really require no recipe, but sometimes we just need a reminder that they could be an option for dinner tonight. For the sake of this blog, I will give a "Shout Out" to some of my favorite easy dinner ideas. These "Shout outs" are meals that require less than 15 minutes of preparation, and a lot of times you can use left over materials that you have in your pantry and fridge to put them together. The first was Hawaiian Haystacks. I love these kind of meals, because they use ingredients that I keep well stocked in my kitchen, and if i don't have all of them, or have others to throw in, it usually works out.
I love taco salad, and let's be honest because it is so easy, we eat it a lot. Especially on those late home from work days.

Taco Salad

ground beef (browned)
1 can of beans, drained (any kind really)
taco seasoning
1/4 onion, diced
lettuce (any kind works)
tomatoes, diced
olives, sliced
salsa (we open a can of Pato)
ranch or sour cream
avocado (if you have it, I rarely have them on hand)

1. I like to brown the ground beef with onion, beans and taco seasoning. (you could replace the ground beef with shredded chicken or keep it vegetarian with just beans)
2. Throw on what you like, how you like it. Enjoy!

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